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    184 + 50 ft²
    Variants: 0
    Comments: 10
    (718) 810-5358Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 19:00 or write
    Home project Zx188
    Home project Zx188
    Home project Zx188
    Home project Zx188
    Usable / net area
    183,9 / 243,7 ft²
    Living area
    257,0 ft²
    Garage area
    49,9 ft²
    The height of the house
    4,3 ft
    The angle of inclination of the roof
    Roof area
    423 ft²
    Minimal plot
    22,36 x 32,86 ft
    Ceiling (ground floor)
    reinforced concrete
    heating system
    solid fuel
    Ventilation type

    Basement 32,7 / 42,6 ft²

    Drawmirror image
    Click or touch on the image on the left to start the measure.
    Draw sketch on image and click save icon.
    Sketch has been sent.
    Home project  - A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    105,0 ft²
    123,1 ft²
    22,9 ft²
    106,5 ft²
    29,1 ft²
    71,5 ft²

    Ground 151,3 / 201,1 ft²

    Drawmirror image
    Click or touch on the image on the left to start the measure.
    Draw sketch on image and click save icon.
    Sketch has been sent.
    Home project  - A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    465,5 ft²
    82,8 ft²
    185,9 ft²
    135,5 ft²
    171,5 ft²
    165,0 ft²
    67,7 ft²
    62,4 ft²
    117,2 ft²
    68,2 ft²
    45,0 ft²
    61,4 ft²
    536,6 ft²


    Home project  - A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    Minimal plot
    22,36 ft
    32,86 ft
    Dimensions of the front elevation
    14,36 ft


    (718) 810-5358

    Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 19:00

    ask about the project
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room
    home project Zx188 – interior arrangement, A modern one-story house with a glass garage visible from the living room

    Additional informations about the project and order

    Produkty marki Z500™ objęte są prawami autorskimi zgodnie z ustawą o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych (tj. Dz.U. 2017 poz. 880) zastrzega prawa autorskie i zakazuje wykorzystywania tego produktu do celów handlowych, reklamy oraz wprowadzania w nim zmian ponad wymienione w projekcie bez wiedzy i zgody podmiotu reprezentującego. Nabycie oryginalnego projektu obejmuje prawo zastosowania go do budowy tylko jednego domu wyłącznie na terytorium Rzeczypospolite Polskiej. Reprezentantem marki Z500™ w Polsce jest podmiot Z500 Sp.z o.o.
    Home project Zx188


    184 + 50 ft²

    360-degrees animation

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